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Acts 1:8 is the heartbeat of our missions program. We believe that Godly missions begins at home before it expands around the globe. Our desire is to reach our local community with the Gospel and then partner with like-minded missions works as they reach out around the globe. 


We believe the Gospel works and therefore we preach the Gospel. You will not attend a morning worship service at Faith without hearing the Gospel clearly presented and an invitation given. Additionally, we look at our calendar year by year and intentionally plan out evangelist events. These events include but are not limited to Family Vacation Bible School, Family Conferences, Men's Breakfasts, and ladies activities. 


  1. Allen, Flay & Margaret - Retired Missionaries 

  2. Arrindale, Eddie & Rita - Virgin Islands 

  3. Atkins, Renee - Retired Missionary 

  4. Autrey, Jonathan & Jeanine - Dominican Republic 

  5. Autrey, Ronnie & Chona - Dominican Republic 

  6. Avilla, Joselito & Noralita - Philippians / Independent Baptist College Asia Pacific 

  7. Bennett, Dan & Kathy - Brazil 

  8. The Carpenter's Project - Global Ministry 

  9. Cook, Edward - Brazil 

  10. Cuthbertson, Dan & Joan - Ivory Coat

  11. Eda, Bonafacia & Carmela - Philippines 

  12. Edgar, Bruce & Laura - Nicaragua 

  13. Fitzsimmons, Rodney - With the Carpenter's Project

  14. Flannery, Mike & Cheryl - Canada

  15. George, Brent & Sara - Romania 

  16. Hammons, Earl & Tami - Dominican Republic

  17. Heath, Dalton & Norma - Retired 

  18. Herbster, Matt & Tiffany - Hong Kong 

  19. Johnson, Paul & Sarah - Japan 

  20. Kirby, Dexter & Jackelle - St. Vincent 

  21. McLaughline, Kristine - Ivory Coast

  22. Pauley, Gerald & Marguerite - Canada

  23. Rioux, Jocelyne - Retired

  24. Self, Micah - Evangelism 

  25. Sheppard, Mark & Nancy - Liberia

  26. Smith, Jim & Hope - South Africa

  27. Spoto, Jim & Lori - Italy 

  28. Talley, Michael - Germany 

  29. Timblin, Paul & Laurel - Missionary Aviation 

  30. Waldock, Nathan & Rachel - Cambodia 

  31. Watkins, Joan - Retired 

  32. Watkins, Nate & Karol - Church Planting in New York City 

  33. Yingling, John & Nikki - Director of Baptist International Outreach 

  34. Yodi, Siddhant & Beulah - Trinidad 

  35. Yosef, Berhanu & Wubit - Ethiopia 




341 Emerson Drive Northwest

Palm Bay, FL 32907

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2024 by Faith Baptist Church

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